Ok, so your Mixtape may not include Phil Collins, but either way, I enjoy this clip. More importantly, I can't wait for the Mixtape Festival. There are many questions being asked about it, so I wrote up a blog with all the latest info and updates that are relevant. I will be constantly updating as we get closer so if you have info that needs to be added, tweet me at @yikes77 so I can add it here and on the Block Nation site.
May 7th 2012. Taken from my BN blog.
Mon, May 7, 2012 at 5:00 PM
Donnie did an interview with a Scranton PA radio station before the group left for Geneva and aired today. Here are some details that he mentioned.
1) Wahlburgers truck on site.
2) new music (don't know if he meant brand new material or "old stuff they have yet to do since the reunion" though he implied it may be more songs that were dropped from the NKOTBSB tour.)
3) Kevin from BSB may show. Not confirmed but working on it. incidentally, the Mixtape account IS following him. (Since then, Kevin has tweeted that he will NOT be at Mixtape.)
4) "Be prepared not to sleep for 72 hours." (We already established that the concept of time doesn't work well with him.)
1) Wahlburgers truck on site.
2) new music (don't know if he meant brand new material or "old stuff they have yet to do since the reunion" though he implied it may be more songs that were dropped from the NKOTBSB tour.)
3) Kevin from BSB may show. Not confirmed but working on it. incidentally, the Mixtape account IS following him. (Since then, Kevin has tweeted that he will NOT be at Mixtape.)
4) "Be prepared not to sleep for 72 hours." (We already established that the concept of time doesn't work well with him.)
June 22nd: If you were offline yesterday or don't venture into the blogs, the Mixtape Festival Twitter account had a Q+A session and answered some of the major questions. Thanks to samesizedfeet for creating the blog for it But I'll just copy/paste into here as well:
Tickets will not be sold for after parties/softball game from those who don't have VIP.
They don't know if the wine tent will be cash bar or open bar as of yet.
There is no Photo Op with the guys - just a Meet and Greet. (And it should be noted that NO PHOTO OP WAS EVER MENTIONED OR PROMISED FROM THE START. Yes I am putting that in caps because many people assumed there was. For me, if it wasn't in writing, I was always thought that it was going to be a no.) In response to be asked "Can we take our own photos with nkotb/bring our cameras to the m/g" they replied: "Not at this time."
Itineraries will be ready at the end of July.
Tickets are being mailed in advance, currently set for August 1st.
In terms of travel: the gates on Fri/Sat will open at 3:30 pm. The events on those 2 days will start at 5 pm. They are looking at a late morning start for the softball game. Expected end time is Sunday afternoon (to finish softball) approx 5 PM.
VIP is 100% sold out and no more will be released. They will not confirm the number of VIP ticket holders, though The Wizard says under 2000.
I added this:
tickets and VIP credentials bought through fan clubs WILL be sent out. What you will be picking up at the venue is the merchandise that comes with the VIP package. There will be a list at Will Call just in case. In terms of selling your tix to someone else if you can't make it they replied "buyer beware."
Also...I am requesting cake since it's Donnie's bday. Their reply "we sure hope so!" (I plan to get drunk and fat that weekend lol.)
even more details are here: http://mixtapefestival.com/about#faqs . The big one being only the NKOTB M/G is included w/ VIP. All other artists opportunities are set up w/in their fan clubs and are separate events ex the BSBBQ.
Still to be determined: if all VIP events are all ages. Unless something has changed, they are (which I'm not a fan of but whatever.)
their twitter account @mixtapefestival
Update: @hburk02 received this notice from Ground Ctrl about buying/selling tickets through 3rd parties.
Update July 7th 2012.
The date of the NKOTB M/G has not been confirmed.
How the shuttles for VIP ticket holders will work has not been confirmed.
Afterparties will be near the stadium "on site."
Wristbands will be included for those with the VIP credentials.
No more acts are being added at this time. (the person who won the Groupon deal allegedly said otherwise.)
Acts will NOT be on both stages at the same time.
Sadly, the NKOTBSB stage has been retired (weeps in mourning.)
July 18th 2012.
as per The Wizard on the BN forums Please be advised our rock n jock softball game is for VIP TICKET HOLDERS ONLY and will be controlled access. Thank you!
July 27th:
From @groundctrl:
Updated July 31st
From the Mixtape Twitter feed:
ETA on the itineraries: end of today (July 31st.) They will be emailed to VIP ticket holders and posted on their website.
Names will NOT be printed on tickets however the merchandise gift will be pick up only on site when you check in on the 17th (take note those buyers from others.) They will not reveal what the gift in but I'll be amused if it's underwear AGAIN.
Update August 2nd.
I personally called Ground Ctrl last night, I was told that some were sent out last night, the rest will be sent today.
@ktsummer tweeted the following:
-latest: all vip tix holders must CHECK IN @ vip tent to pick up credentials. they will check id. no id matching purchaser name, no tix.
-vip tix were mailed last friday. ga tix mailed this week.
-also, they've been saying this all along, but no will call name changes. vip tix are non transferable.
-note: your order may have in fact shipped even if your account page says not shipped.
-everyone, GC and ticketmaster buyers, has to check in at the vip tent for credentials.
For those who bought via ticketmaster including their Amex pre-sale @ddubsteri wrote: Our printouts say "This is Your Event Ticket" across the top, we have to stop at the tent for wristbands.
Wade from Groundctrl wrote this on the BN blogs:
VIP TICKET HOLDERS, your tickets are being mailed to you. Your ticket will grant you access to the festival grounds. Upon arrival at Hershey Stadium, ALL VIP purchasers will need to CHECK IN AT THE VIP TENT to pick up VIP credentials and VIP merchandise (if this applies to you). These VIP credentials will give you the proper access to the VIP Pavilion and VIP activities that you are authorized for. Please make sure you have a VALID ID MATCHING THE PURCHASER'S NAME when you check into the VIP tent. Failure to have a valid form of ID will result in non-entry. As stated before, NO WILL CALL NAME CHANGES. VIP TICKETS ARE NON-TRANSFERRABLE.
@mixtapefestival answered more questions.
-Tickets have been mailed.
- the original purchaser must check in to VIP to receive VIP creds & merch (if applicable) Tix only gain entry to fest grounds. Check in will be done on the Friday, no need to do it on the Saturday. All ticket holders will be req'd to check in .only the original order purchaser will be on the list. This helps battle resales. GA ticket holders DO NOT need to check in.
-VIP ticket holders: we will receive ONE ticket for EACH day.
-VIP ticket holders: we will receive ONE ticket for EACH day.
- waiting on final confirmation from several artists then itineraries will be sent.
-Obviously very few circumstances they will make exceptions, but please have documentation and proof.
-If you want to know where your ticket is: you will need to refer to the agency where you purchased your tix. (UGH.)
-park admission is NOT included nor affiliated with the festival.
-My personal suggestion: Because we know foul ups are bound to happen, keep a print out of your email confirmation of your ticket order with you. For international people outside of USA/Canada, I suggest keeping your passport for your ID.
-From their Facebook page NO Wahlburgers truck on site after all (fail.)
In short: if you're going to Hershey and buying/selling a VIP ticket ON SITE you should still be ok (aka if you've sold a ILAA package to someone at a show and you checked in together, same principle.) If you were selling but can no longer to...you have 2 weeks. Hopefully you make it there or able to talk to someone to help you out.
Updated August 6th.
@mixtapefestival tweeted the following:
-VIP will call will be open only on Friday AM. For GA tickets it's up to the box office and their hours.
- They WILL allow entry if you have the paypal receipt, buyer's ID and letter.
- For those who bought through Ticketmaster and had problems due to gifting, it will be dealt with.
-Will Call name changes CAN be done on a case by case basis. "Same last name as the purchaser? YOU'LL BE GOOD TO GO"
-they are not supposed to be "ins and outs" (no re-entry to leave during the evening and come back for the parties) but may be available to accommodate on a case by case basis.
-Parties will be in the VIP tent. The tent will shut down at one point to get ready for the parties in the evening. More details about those are coming soon.
-There is air conditioning in the tents.
-Each stage will have a side A and side B section.
-VIP people: You can check in at any time.
For those waiting on tickets via Block Nation, @islandiva147 and I separately called Ground Control.
Tickets are still being sent out. Their ETA to have all the orders done is August 10th. Your order will go from "ready" to "fulfilled" in your BN account. International people INCLUDING Canada it can take up to 20 days to have it sent by regular mail. In the event they do not arrive in time, it is being advised that you call Ground Control the day before you leave to inform them so the ticket will be reprinted and ready for you at the Hershey box office. Bring a copy of your email confirmation for proof.you!
The itinerary!

Updated August 7th:
@mixtapefestival answered the following.
-Very likely there will be free water bottles in the VIP tent. No word on the wine tent but possibly a cash bar.
-Parking IS included with your ticket.
-Admission into Hershey Park DOES NOT get you into the festival.
-VIP IS GA: no chairs, seats, etc. (uh oh.)
-VIP baggage check WILL stay open through the afterparties for those wanting to change in between.
August 8th
-There will be VIP parking close to the VIP tent, just follow the signs. Another reason to bring your receipt/email confirmation.
-GA people: NO re-entry. VIP people: You ARE allowed to leave to freshen up and come back but you will not be allowed back in until the after party doors are open. After party doors close at midnight on both nights.
-People did notice that the promised golf cart for the VIP side A people has been removed from their website.
August 14th
LOTS of info over the past few days so let's get to it.
-No strollers or "travel chairs" allowed on site.
-"What happens when we hit 10K followers?! #Mixtapefestival needs a bat girl for rock n jock that's what!" Since they are at roughly 8200 people with 3 days to go, it's unlikely that will happen so there will be more news coming on how to become one.
-In a somewhat "controversial" move, there are tickets for sale ($10) for the softball game. Go here to purchase. VIP's will get FREE PRIORITY ENTRY and VIP seating for the Rock N' Jock softball game and more chances to become a bat girl. Some VIP are not amused at this as the wording indicated that this was an exclusive event but personally...the stadium holds 6000 people. What's more fun, playing for a few hundred people in a mostly empty stadium or several thousand in a full stadium?
-Seems that will be a vending village at field level (as in open to all.) An owner of a salon is offering makeovers and free consultations!
-Info on transportations back to the hotel. Based on what I gathered, most hotel shuttles stop running 1 hour AFTER the park closes and taxis are normally pretty limited in the area after that with some estimations that it could take up to 20 minutes to get a cab. However as always, local BHs came up with some info so you're not stranded and you do NOT drive home buzzed at any level.
@Idreamofddub247 wrote "Hershey Taxi shuttles 5/6 people at a time $5/person and will be available after the afterparties. 717-829-9099.
Sarah Yankee in BN wrote more inf.
Yes, we most certainly do offer rides in Hershey! The Hershey/Hummelstown area is actually our main territory. We do however, provide our services to anyone traveling to,from, or within this entire county (Dauphin).
There are 3 services that we offer, which I will explain each one to you in detail below:
Round-Trip Transportation - We will pick you up from your hotel and transport you to the festival, where we will drop you off. Then we will return at the pre-arranged time (which is scheduled when we set up your reservation) to pick you back up and return you safely to your hotel. The cost for this service is $10 per-person for the ride to the festival and only an additional $20 for the return trip. That rate covers a total distance of 30 miles (15 miles each way), but depending on which hotel you will be staying at and how far it is between the hotel and the festival we would certainly be willing to consider offering you a discounted rate! Also, if you are able to schedule a reservation with us at least 72 hours in advance we automatically give you $10 off the cost of this service!
One-Way Transportation - If you choose to use this service, we will simply pick you up after the festival (or whichever time you choose) and give you a ride to your hotel. The cost of this service is a flat fee of $10 per-person (as long as the trip's distance does not exceed 15 miles), but again, depending on how many people will be in your group, and how short the distance is, we are again, willing to consider lowering that cost. For example: Say there are 4 of you and the distance between the festival and your hotel is only like 3 miles, we would agree that it would be unreasonable to charge you $40 for such a short trip so we would probably agree to do it for only $20.
Designated Driver Service - If you wish to drive your vehicle to the festival instead of having us take you there, but don't want to deal with leaving it there until the next morning or the hassle of having to find a way to go back and get it, we've got you covered! With our DD service, you can drive your own vehicle to the festival and when it's time to leave, we dispatch two drivers to meet you wherever your vehicle is parked and one of them will drive it back to your hotel for you! (You riding in it of course.) The reason for the second driver is so that he can pick the other driver (the one driving your vehicle) back up once you have all safely reached your destination. This service allows you ride comfortably in your own vehicle to and from the festival, yet you can drink as much as you like at the show without worry because not only do you have a guaranteed designated driver, but you also can have comfort knowing that your vehicle will also get back to your hotel safely the same night and you'll have it waiting for you in the hotel parking lot the next morning! The cost for this service is just a flat fee of $35 (again, assuming our driver will only be driving your vehicle for 15 miles or less). If you decide to go with this service, our driver will ask to see your insurance card when he arrives and you will need to sign a permission form (which states that you are giving our driver permission to drive your vehicle) before our driver begins driving your vehicle. (Oh and don't worry, the form is only a single, one-sided piece of paper so it only takes a minute to read and it's very easy to read and understand.
So now that I have explained our services to you, I hope that you find them to be adequate and straight forward, but if you do have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. We consider customer service a top priority and we try to make things as simple and worry-free as possible so that you can focus on enjoying your night while we focus on getting you to and from where you need to go as safely and enjoyably as possible!
If you are ready to schedule a reservation with us please give us a call at the number listed below. Our normal business hours are from 8pm-2am every day, but if you call before 8pm to schedule just leave a message and we will return your call and get you scheduled as soon as the message is received! (The reason why I suggest to leave a message is because that is the only calls we return before we open at 8pm)
Thank you for contacting us regarding your transportation needs and we look forward to providing you with exceptional service that exceeds your expectations!
Support Team
Drive-A-Drunk LLC
(717) 256-1664
-VIP tent area is concrete (so invest in some Dr Scholl gel pads!)
-For some happy news: @nkotbandus will have advance copies of her book on site. Follow her to find out how to grab one!
-For the really happy news.
@MixTapeFestival why open it to everyone :( us VIP ppl paid a whole lot more for our VIP & we don't even get a pic with NK at the M&G
@Tkd_Sab you might be surprised. #positivevibes
While searching for info about the time frame of the BSBBQ, I stumbled upon the following (thanks @XEdwardsBellaX!)
So it confirms there WILL be photos after all. HOWEVER! That is all we know. We have no idea if it will be solo, groups, etc. So let's not panic about making photo groups until we are advised on how this will work.
For those wanting to check out Hershey Park itself, you can get in for 37.95 (a 58.95 value)
August 15th
Posted by Wade on BN: (uh oh)
Since we're getting super close to Mixtape, I wanted to throw out a friendly reminder about selling/buying tickets/VIP to the Mixtape Festival.
Tickets that are purchased from another member/source WILL NOT be honored. Anyone posting tickets/VIP for sale here will have a note next to their name at check in and will be double checked on site, so buyer beware.
This policy is enforced to protect the fans, and not to ruin anyone's fun.
If you do have any questions on the matter, please message me directly!
I'll say it for everyone: you decide to post this TWO DAYS BEFORE?!