Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your love and support over the past year and a half. I want to give back to a local organization and at the same time, clean out my closet of NKOTB stuff that is collecting space and raffle them off to fans who are looking to build their collection.
This raffle will support the West Island Cancer Wellness Centre which offers free services for those diagnosed with cancer and their families in the Montreal area.
Please note: Visa/Mastercard CREDIT CARDS ONLY on this link. If you want to pay by Visa/Mastercard DEBIT please call them at 514-695-9355 Monday-Friday 830 am - 4pm Eastern. Canadians who donate through this site will receive a tax receipt by email.
Edit: I am dropping the Go Fund Me option. That money will be withdrawn automatically by them to the charity by September 15. Anyone who has sent me money directly I will do the donations by August 31.
$1 per ticket, priced at Canadian dollars. To see conversion rates: XE.com
2) FORWARD me your confirmation email WITH your Twitter handle to maria.sakhrani@bell.net. This is very important because if I don't get your email, I cannot assign your raffle numbers and you're not entered to win. Reading is fundamental. 😉
There will be 2 (possibly 3) raffles with different prizes. Each raffle will have a Grand Prize of a rare, signed item.
For round 2 (updated August 23.)
One prize only but it's a good one. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Band of Brothers (available to stream on HBO Max in the USA and Crave in Canada) I am giving away my unused box set of Band of Brothers. Please note this is a region 1 DVD (meaning playable in USA/Canada only) so if you intend to watch this and live outside of that region, you need to get a multi region player.
And oh yeah, the insert is signed by Donnie Wahlberg. Signed August 8, 2021. (I have witnesses to this.) He intentionally signed with his character's name and division as "that would gain more interest."
This raffle closes September 9, 2021, 9 PM Eastern time. (Exactly 20 years since its debut.) The winner will be drawn in the following days and I will DM/email the winner to confirm mailing address. If you win but want to gift the prize to someone else, that can be done.
Thank you all, and good luck! #BHlove. 🤖💓∞
If you're reading this, you're "depressed." Post tour depressed. The good news is: there's a cruise coming soon. Normal people soon, not slightly older Marky Mark soon.
I am not going to go into how much it costs, etc. because that info is MORE THAN READILY AVAILABLE IF YOU SEARCH FOR IT. (Yes I'm using caps because after 10 years, newbies should be able to find the basics without flooding Facebook groups and no excuses that you can't. End rant.) However we do know that it's not cheap and even for those with good paying jobs and exchange rates (shout out to my fellow Canucks!) we need to save. And fast.
As many as you know, I did survey sites to cover the costs of the last few cruises. Since I can't update the current post anymore, I am reverting back to the MySpace of blog sites, Blogger.
Along with some of the links you've already seen, I will update this periodically with sites that are working for me. Most of these sites unless indicated do pay out in Paypal (which Rose Tours should really start accepting by now.) Since I'm Canadian, all these sites will work for my fellow hosers and will work for Americans. The rest of the countries, it is up to you to find out if it's available to you to use.
These are my referral links so I will get the tiniest of percentages if you sign up and/or become a regular user.
And yes, all of these sites are legitimate. I would not be putting my rep on the line if they didn't work for me.
If you have suggestions, tweet me @yikes77.
This is the one I use the most. There are apps available (though less for iOS.) Look for Swagbucks or Prodege in the respective stores.
For these sites, you will have to sign up and pass their sample test. If you are accepted, you will be websites after you pass the screening questions.
https://app.whatusersdo.com/app/apply?referral=256326 Pays $5.
Bonus for my Canadian peoples.
It's not easy being a NKOTB fan based in Canada. Despite the fact that 3 of them have Canadian blood in their veins (stop denying your roots, Wahlberg,) they figure Toronto covers all of Canada and that's it. So we're stuck going to the USA almost everything. And the exchange rate plus the extra 2.5% transaction fee you're charged by most banks, we take a major hit.
This is one of the few cards where you are NOT charged the extra 2.5%. So you're saving money. And with the price we pay for the cruise, this card will be a Godsend. I've been using it for close to a year and they will charge you only at the Mastercard rate for the day, which is a teeny bit more than the real time exchange rate. There are 3 levels, I got the basic free one.
I've been tweeting along my progress with Swagbucks for the last few months and it's moving along. I'm closing in on $125 saved and hope to hit that by the end of the week. My goal is to save as much money as I can for the cruise, so the more the merrier!
So what is Swagbucks? It's a site that you can do a lot of stuff: surveys, play games, watch videos, do tasks, etc. All these activities gain you "bucks." When you have enough, you can redeem them for anything in their online store, mostly for gift cards to retailers like Amazon, Starbucks, Barnes and Noble and of course, Paypal money.
In short...you're getting paid to do easy stuff.
With the holidays coming up, they have a special promotion going. If you sign up by December 21st and earn 1500 bucks by New Year's Day, you get an extra 500 SB. Meaning, if you manage to save up $15 worth of credits, they're giving you an extra $5.
It may sound hard, but it's easier than you think. Surveys add up. I play the videos in the background all day at work. If you reach your daily goal, extra bucks will be added at the end of the month. Gain bucks using their mobile apps. Let your kids go nuts playing games. The site posts extra codes on their facebook and twitter pages. For those planning to shop online in the next few weeks, you get bucks for every dollar you spend (and until November 30th, that gets doubled.) And if you're celebrating your birthday in the next few weeks, you get an extra 50 SB!
If you're interested, here's my referral link. http://www.swagbucks.com/refer/yikes77. I've had a few people join me and so far, no complaints...yet. ;p A penny saved is a penny earned. A few dollars saved means that paying less for this expensive canoe trip!
Saturday, 26 January 2013
When an article changes your life
Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 8:10 AM
I was dropping a few hints in past blogs on how I would write something on January 26th for a reason. Today is that day. And this is the reason.
When I turned 30 in December 2007, I was in a pretty depressed state. Ok with my job, but nothing progressing. Other than work colleagues, no actual friendships in my life which was something I was used as I was THE social outcast in my high school. Never been in a relationship (and still not for my own reasons.) I had made the promise that I needed to do something that would make ME happy I just didn't know what it would be.
On January 26, 2008, I was in my basement on my laptop browsing about the web when I went to people.com and this article, while halfway down the page, caught my eye.
At first I thought this had to be a cruel joke but since it wasn't Easter and it's not a gossip site, I felt my body break out into a sweat. As I read through the article, I felt the tears starting to form but I didn't want to believe it. I instantly headed to nkotb.com I was aware that the site used to be a fan site (I actually used to help scan photos for it and even had my own maria@nkotb.com email address!) but I eventually lost touch with the site and the last I had checked on it was a few months prior when it was under construction, but I had thought they were just revamping the fan site. When I logged on to the site, I was greeted by the following sight and sound. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYJxc7zbmi4
At first I was thinking "what is this supposed to mean?" Then it started to hit me "Wait...this isn't one I heard before. This doesn't sound like 1990. OMG, Donnie got voice lessons!" (Hey, I'm being honest lol.) And the tears started to fall. I'm not to type to show emotions but I broke down and sobbed. The one thing I never expected though secretly hoping it would happen was materializing. .
As you have seen through my tweets, blogs and postings, I have done my fair share of adventures in those 5 years. I've gone through a lot of changes in my life both good and bad. There are some events I would love to relive over, others I wished I can erase entirely. Many people I have met through this became my closest friends which for someone who's never been close to anyone, is still an adjustment. I am still a long way off from the person I want to be, but because of this, I'm at least further away from the person I was.
As we close the book on the last 5 years and move ahead to what the next stage is for all of us, I just wanted to say thank you for everyone for the best 5 years of my life. For my fellow Blockheads who inspire me, who help me to be somewhat stronger physically, mentally and emotionally (even though I am crying once again while writing this) I am grateful.
For four of the men who made this decision, you have no idea what this has meant for me and I'm thankful that you're back in my life.
As for that other man...I owe him so much that it will be the longest debt ever to pay off :*)
Twas the night before the package and all through the land The BHs of are dreaming of good times ahead With the Kids and the Boyz who grew to be Men We're thinking and scheming and planning in pen. Along with Jeff and Justin, Nick and that boy Drew That's 12 guys together, and what a fine looking crew. For those who moan now "why a new merger!" They will die down once we hit that new fervour So for my homeys, peeps and frienemies near and far Trying for that elusive Ultimate or at least a 5*. The time for new music from our Boston boys is here. So instead of fighting and gossiping we need to cheer. Say loud and proud in your highest pitch To paraphrase Britney "It's The Block, Bitch!"
Friday, 28 December 2012
I've been asked my advice on this subject many times in the past 4 years so I figure to do what I can somewhat do: write about it.
A new year, a new album, a new tour. Which leads to:
So you want to buy a VIP package. The first step is admitting that you want to.
For some people like me, this is old hat that we can probably do it in our sleep instead you still need to be a state of cat like readiness for the sales. But there are still many of you who have yet to experience the fun times of a VIP package. Here's how we break it down. Please note: this has information pertaining to the last tour. Once the info for the Package tour has been revealed, the prices and info will be updated when needed. (PLEASE NOTE: this blog is about VIP packages ONLY, NOT FAN CLUB REGULAR TICKETS. I have only done that once and the process is changing for this year.)
The websites that you need
1) timeanddate.com. Again if this has not been bookmarked by now, we will need to have a talk.
2) vipnation.com. I would STRONGLY advise to sign up for an account now so you don't panic later.
3) nkotb.com if you're a BN subscriber.
The Basics.
One reserved seat inside the security barricade - closest to the stage(see seating map for details)
Meet and Greet photo op with NKOTB inside their dressing room(groups of 10)
Framed photo commemorating your NKOTB Meet and Greet mailed to you after concert
Signed NKOTB tour poster
Coupon for 2 NKOTB items of your choice at merch stand (no individual item can be over $100)
Extremely limited - Only 10 available per show!
Ultimate Individual Photo Upgrade Package : $250
One reserved ticket in front row facing main stage (see specific city for details)
Meet and Greet photo op with NKOTB (groups of 10)
Early entrance into venue
Pre-show refreshments
Exclusive NKOTB gift bag
NKOTB VIP commemorative laminate
Crowd-free merchandise shopping
Onsite VIP hosts
5-Star Front Row Package : $550
One reserved ticket in front row facing thrust (see specific city for details)
Meet and Greet photo op with NKOTB (groups of 10)
Early entrance into venue
Pre-show refreshments
Exclusive NKOTB gift bag
NKOTB VIP commemorative laminate
Crowd-free merchandise shopping
Onsite VIP hosts
5-Star Plus VIP Package : $450
One premium reserved floor ticket (see specific city for details)
Meet and Greet photo op with NKOTB (groups of 10)
Early entrance into venue
Pre-show refreshments
Exclusive NKOTB gift bag
NKOTB VIP commemorative laminate
Crowd-free merchandise shopping
Onsite VIP hosts
5-Star VIP Package : $395
One premium reserved floor ticket (see specific city for details)
Exclusive NKOTB gift
4-Star VIP Package : $195
Please note: you cannot do a NKOTB package and a 98* upgrade for the SAME show. However Ground Control who is running the Boyz II Men VIP says they will do their best to accommodate those who buy theirs and NKOTB.
AHHH, INFO!!! (Throws up.)
Since NKOTB has that habit of saying "Surprise! A tour! SURPRISE! Tickets go on sale in 3 days!" this means that VIPNation will release the schedule of sale times for each show shortly after. There are several sales: Full Service pre sale, Premium pre sale, American Express pre sale (where it applies) and the general sale. Full Service members get a 30 minute head start over Premium (and this is why you pay the extra 40 dollars for it) and one hour over American Express card holders Regular sale happens either later that day or within a few days but all would happen before the general sale of tickets via regular outlets (venue, Ticketmaster, etc.)
In order to access the Full Service or Premium sales, you will need a password for it. That password will normally be posted within the fan club shortly before each sale time. You will NOT get email notifications that they are up as many people seem to have problems receiving them. Many but not all USA shows also had the American Express pre sales for their cardholders that will work with select cards. (The truth: if you know what the passcode is, you can pay with ANY Amex code, including out of USA ones.) The sale time is always in the LOCAL time zone of said show.
The day of the sale, I strongly advise you to be ALREADY logged into your VIPNation account to save you time. Also, keep a notepad open on your computer to copy paste your credit card number, name, etc. You would be surprised what saving 5 seconds can do. Other than that, if you've ever bought tickets for any event, it's pretty much the same protocol. The maximum is FOUR OF ANY COMBINATION OF PACKAGES per order.
Once the time hits for either pre sale, you will be asked to enter your code right away. Hopefully, you'll be brought to the next page immediately. If you aren't, KEEP REFRESHING. Obviously by then people are going to do their best to get in just as fast as you so it may take some time.
Thank you @blancodiddy for the pics!
STEP 1: Choose your package (VIP Nation has stressed that YES you CAN get the Ultimate AFTER if you manage to get one, but I would suggest to make their lives a bit easier and buy it under the same account that you bought your original order.
STEP 3: On site parking and shirt size options. This is where some people ran into trouble like myself. Had an Ultimate and 5* package for Ottawa, but this option was blank and would not let me go forward. Finally had to give up the Ultimate.
STEP 4: Terms and Conditions (read: if you're that drunk we are allowed to kick you out and not refund you.)
STEP 5: Shipping Address (if you're not logged into your VIP Nation account, they will ask you to.)
One thing that does come up a lot: will everything get sold out in the pre sale so nothing will be less for those who didn't pony up for the fan club? The answer is NO. Think of it as how the cruise sale would normally operate: 1/2 of the packages are available during the pre sale, the other 1/2 left for regular sale. To put it in perspective, I had to buy 2 Ultimates for Montreal. Only managed to snag one during the Full Service sale, had to buy the other during the regular sale. Based on my experience, your ticket IS determined by when you bought so the sooner the better.
A tip: for the Amex sale, there is the customer service number from SOME cards that will get you in. (So if you have the basic green one, it's not that one.) However if you know what the code is (which I'm NOT giving out...I need to keep some things to myself!) you can pay with any American Express card.
So how easy it is to snag one? Depends how fast you and/or your team can work. The most I have seen sold for one venue is roughly 250 5* packages. It's just like real estate: location, location, location. Anything where there is a higher level of fans (Boston, NYC, L.A., Chicago, Toronto, etc.) those will sell out faster. Smaller cities will be less of an issue.
Then there are the ultimates: based on observations for buying for other people, this is the breakdown.
For US shows: 4 for Full Service pre sale, 4 for Premium Pre sale, 2 for the Amex pre sale, 2 for the general sale. So yeah, you're paying 40 bucks for slightly better odds.
For Canada shows: 4 for the Full Service pre sale, 4 for the Premium sale, 2 for the General sale.
Sadly, several people like myself have had problems landing an ultimate: you get so far until they ask for the T-shirt size...and there is no option to pick. You can't move ahead, you can't go back and if you call, VIPNation can't help you as there are too many people logged in at the same time. So if you're gunning for an upgrade, buy that FIRST, then buy the package you want. So long you have bought them under the same VIPNation account, you should be fine. I did this for 3 people, and none have had an issue, it's more to dissuade people from just buying the upgrade alone.
After months and months of waiting...the week is here!!!
You will receive an email a few days before the show indicating where the M/G will take place along with anything involving parking if you requested it and what time you should be at the venue to meet up. If you bought a 4*, there will be a separate ticket window to pick up your items roughly 2 hours before show time.
When you arrive at the venue, you will be checked in to get your laminate with a letter on the back indicating your group and your ticket (the ticket will NOT be sent to you, so you know it's not a Ground Control event. Kidding! (sort of.)) I STRONGLY suggest you check in as a group when you can. If you show up solo with no group, they will place you in one with an open slot to fill. So if you want to stand next to Joey that badly, you're better off pre planning. Look for people on the BN forums or online. Time and time again we've seen people jockeying to be the last group in especially if they are not full groups but guess what happens? You get someone out of nowhere who also wants to stand by Donnie and you have to start negotiating with them that they're going with someone else. (That happened to me out of the few times I finally had Donnie for one photo op. Not fun, but him saying "Yikes, you're getting blocked" was sweet.) Who wants that headache? Once you pass through, you will have the chance to eat, drink, be merry, etc. (When it comes to food, Some venues have had a great spread, others was literally celery sticks and dip. I suggest eat a decent meal before going.) Eventually the time will come where group letter will be called to line up. Groups will be called a few at a time with ultimates to go after them.
You will be led into an area where the guys are waiting for you to hug them, say hi, hug them again, bite their leg (if you did VIP in 2008, you remember Robo saying it was fair play), etc. After 2-3 minutes, they will call for photos. Take your places, take your 2 photos and you'll be asked to walk out. You'll pick up your gift bags on the way out. Ultimates will get roughly 5 minutes give or take. Normally you get 2 solo photos with the guys but the longer the tour goes, the longer the ultimate gets so some have been lucky to get 10 photos or more. Props are no longer allowed. Only those with the Total Package deal will have it in "their dressing room." There was a miscommunication implying Ultimates would have it in there as well, only those who have both would have that. If your Ultimate is with any other 5* package, you won't.
You are asked to check in your camera, but I normally don't. I know there have been a few lost souls who have done that only for their cameras to vanish so I don't take that risk and just keep it in my bag. You will be asked to leave your bag on a table when you walk into to meet the guys and someone will be on duty watching them so I find that to be a safer alternative.
Don't expect to have deep conversations with the guys overall. They have a limited time to get through the 5* and if they're running late (because look who we're talking about), your time will be less than what you were expecting (I once timed one of my 5* to be 63 seconds.)
The VIPNation packages are a separate entity from Block Nation Meet and Greets.
You CAN be a "mixed" group of 5* packages. As in if you're 4 5*, 3 5*+ and 3 5* front row, it's fine. Same idea as to when you bought your package (during any pre sale or general sale.)
About sneaking stuff in: the short answer is, you're not supposed to. The longer answer is: people managed to do so, discreetly. Depending who the bodyguards are, do so at your own peril. (I managed to get Donnie's sock signed in 2009 by tying it around my leg. I had people ask me later "what was with the bandage under your dress?")
UPDATE: JUNE 10, 2013. Now that we settled into the tour, let's go over some of the changes that have been encountered. Specifically, what you NO longer get for the merchandise for Total Packages. I did speak to one of the hosts and the short version is ... complicated. It's about the vendors who lose their cut on the sales and as a result, something had to be done. As a compromise, total package people are getting 2 T shirts valued at 35 dollars each and can be taken to merchandise to be exchanged for something of that value. (I just gave away the shirts and bought the jersey, so if anyone has been successful in that exchange, I would love to hear from you.) The wording has been changed to reflect that. A bit annoying, but meh. I have heard nothing about the framed photos being sent to you but with all the candid shots being taken during Total Package time, it's not something I'm worried about. (@sarahmayhem has reported that VIP Nation did contact her to identify her to send out her framed photos.) Total Package lasts 10-15 minutes give or take and they go before the 5* in a separate area. They do mingle about and you can get to speak to each of them for a bit. Total Package photo groups are normally 6-7 but the smaller the overall group, the more likelihood that you may end up with a solo group picture with them (such as the case in Louisville.) The seats were...close. REALLY close. I am about 5'6" and the stage came to JUST under my eyes. The "petals" or "pods" were about a foot lower. It was a bit hard being that close as I was straining my neck to look up and depending which NKOTBer you're trying to track, a bit hard if they're on the other side of the stage. But thankfully, I end up with the seat that is directly in front Donnie has to stand or kneel for songs so...yeah. Good times. (sigh.) I did do an ultimate this year. If you have an ultimate, you will be assigned a group when you sign in. While I won't share what transpired partially because it was a blur (stress levels was bad due to traffic) and partially some of it was too personal to share, I don't regret it. To repeat, when doing a "normal" 5*, do NOT expect it to be long. Don't even expect 5 minutes which some were under the impression. 2-3 minutes at best. Also, I did hear reports of a few missing their M/G altogether for a variety of reasons. You have the number of the hosts in your email, use it. You have the power to tweet VIPNation, do it and get your followers to help you. I was actually late for my Total Package by 45 minutes but thanks to people tweeting for me along w/ my friend being on site, I went straight to the front of the line, explained that I was late, they knew who I was and they brought me straight in. The 5* gift bag includes the bag, a mini speaker and...socks. ( Someone is still living in 2009.) Thanks @aussieddubgirl.
Now about the after parties. They will do their best to have them on site this year at most venues based on that ad with a certain nerd yelling at you (he needs to stop being that pretty but I digress.) The cost is 150 bucks. It's easier to pick up your pass from them up before the show starts at the VIP Nation check in. Keep in mind that it may be at a different location than the 5* set up so ask them. The only guarantee of WHO will show up is Donnie. Boyz II Men are supposed to be as well, other NKOTB members may change per night (in Montreal we got lucky and got all 8.) This includes a photo op. This does NOT mean a meet and greet. You go in with minimum 2 or 4 per group depending how many members are there. Stand, photo, go. No time to hug everyone. They seem to arrive at roughly 1130-1145 and stay until 1 am or 115. Some may mingle, others may stay on the stage. If you've been to any after party in the past 5 years, you know what to expect. A bit pricey for an after party but for many of my friends who didn't do a 5* for a show, they were happy with the alternative.
Above all: RELAX AND ENJOY IT. You spent the cash, the time, the energy, and your stomach contents to get to this point. Might as well breathe in, exhale, check your breath in case you need an Altoid and take it all in. The simplest advice I can give you is this. If you expect something, you'll end up with nothing. If you expect nothing, you'll certainly get something. Have fun kiddies!
(UPDATED October 4, 2013. As of right now, I do not know if I am returning. I am hoping to, but things need to fall into place in order for this to happen. So pray to any and every God that you can. Please use this blog as a general reference guide. Edits will be in constant progress once new info becomes available. If you have questions, please ask. But if I already mentioned it in the blog, do not expect a response back. Sorry, but you should ALWAYS read thoroughly before asking.)
Ahoy mateys! Cruise season is upon us all! Similar to what I did for Mixtape, I will be doing something for the latest FAQ and general info you need for this hectic time. This will be cruise #5 for me (yes I still have money and my limbs are not owned by some mob organization...yet) so I figure to give my input on what to expect for the first timers. In due time more will be added on but this is more of cruise planning for newbies 101. Thank you @nkotb for tweeting this out and thank you everyone for your feedback, suggestions and comments!
First things first. My esteemed colleague @ktsummerwrote this blog for the first cruise in 2009. Things has changed since then but if you want a good general guideline of what to do after you're booked, I strongly suggest you read up on it.
WHO WHAT WHERE HUH ZAH HOW GAH! I mean...when does it start?
The pre sale for Block Nation members goes October 9th at 10 AM. Past cruisers go at 1 PM. General sale goes Sept. 13 at 10 AM, all times Eastern Daylight Time. Before you yell out "WHAT TIME DOES IT GO ON SA--" http://timeanddate.com/ Let that be your friend. Actually, that should have been your friend for 4 years and there is NO EXCUSE as to why you don't use it more often!
UPDATE OCTOBER 4, 2013. As per Rose Tours, bookings will start here. Those who have accounts from the 2012 and 2013 will be allowed to sign in with that. New cruisers and those who went in 2009-2011 will need to create one.@purplerinne wrote: "Jeannie did say that u can use a family/friend etc cc as long as you have their billing info."You can use 1 credit card or up to 4 while booking. For the future payments you will be doing it through your Rose Tours account online. Last year, one roomie covered all 3 deposits, and my other roomie and I just sent our money via Paypal to her and did the rest of the payments online. If you're doing the booking, make sure you have everyone's name, email address, phone number, CC info and even address just in case.
As previously stated, no one under 16 is allowed. (We'll miss you Isabelle.) If you are 16-21, you need to have a guardian over 25 in the room as per Carnival's rule.
Price for this cabin is $699.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside on various decks, upper & lower beds
only. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $949.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside on various decks. There is no view from
this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,599.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 1.
There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 due to today to
Price for this cabin is $999.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 1.
There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per guest due to
today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $949.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 1.
There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per guest due
today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $899.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 1.
There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per guest due
today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,699.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 2 or
Deck 1 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 2 or
Deck 1 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,049.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 2 or
Deck 1 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $999.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 2 or
Deck 1 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,749.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside on Deck 2 Midship. There is no view
from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,149.00 per guest.
Match Program is cabin located inside on various decks. There is no
view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,149.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside on Deck 2 Midship. There is no view
from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside on Deck 2 Midship. There is no view
from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,049.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside on Deck 2 Midship. There is no view
from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 6.
There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 due today to
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 6.
There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per person due
today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,149.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 6.
There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per person due
today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 6.
There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per person due
today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 7 or
Deck 6 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 7 or
Deck 6 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,149.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 7 or
Deck 6 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either Deck 6 Midship or the front or
rear of Deck 7. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 8 or
Deck 7 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 8 or
Deck 7 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,149.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 8 or
Deck 7 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front or rear of Deck 8 or
Deck 7 Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00
per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front of Deck 9 or Deck 8
Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 due
today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front of Deck 9 or Deck 8
Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,149.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front of Deck 9 or Deck 8
Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front of Deck 9 or Deck 8
Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front of Deck 10 or Deck 9
Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front of Deck 10 or Deck 9
Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,149.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front of Deck 10 or Deck 9
Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in either the front of Deck 10 or Deck 9
Midship. There is no view from this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located inside in the front of Decks 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10.
There is a picture window with an obstructed view from this cabin.
Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front or rear of Deck 1. This
cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 due to today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front or rear of Deck 1. This
cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due to today to
Price for this cabin is $1,149.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front or rear of Deck 1. This
cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to
Price for this cabin is $1,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front or rear of Deck 1. This
cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to
Price for this cabin is $1,899.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front or rear of Deck 2 or Deck 1
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 due today
to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,299.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front or rear of Deck 2 or Deck 1
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,249.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front or rear of Deck 2 or Deck 1
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front or rear of Deck 2 or Deck 1
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,949.00 per guest.
Single occupancy cabin located on Deck 2 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,349.00 per guest.
Ocean View Match Program is located on various decks. This is an ocean view cabin. Deposit of $300.00 due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,349.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located on Deck 2 Midship. This cabin has an ocean
view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,299.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located on Deck 2 Midship. This cabin has an ocean
view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,249.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located on Deck 2 Midship. This cabin has an ocean
view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front of Deck 1 or 2. There are
portholes with a limited view in this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 due
today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,199.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin located in either the front of Deck 1 or 2. There are
portholes with a limited view in this cabin. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
Ocean View Cabin with balcony, twin beds that convert to a king (185 sq ft) and balcony (40 sq feet). Cabin
type 8D, 8E, 8F, 8M, 8N, 9B, and 9C will receive seating in the first
thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seated events in the Main Show
Please pick from the following events or items:
Price for this cabin is $1,999.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 6. This
cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 due today to
Price for this cabin is $1,399.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 6. This
cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,349.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 6. This
cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,299.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 6. This
cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $2,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 7 or
Deck 6 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,499.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 7 or
Deck 6 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,449.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 7 or
Deck 6 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,399.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 7 or
Deck 6 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $2,099.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 8 or
Deck 7 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,499.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 8 or
Deck 7 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,449.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 8 or
Deck 7 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $1,399.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front or rear of Deck 8 or
Deck 7 Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
Price for this cabin is $2,399.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front of Deck 9 or Deck 8
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 due today to reserve.
All category 8D cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front of Deck 9 or Deck 8
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category 8D cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,749.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front of Deck 9 or Deck 8
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category 8D cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,699.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front of Deck 9 or Deck 8
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category 8D cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $2,449.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front of Deck 10 or Deck 9
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 due today to reserve.
All category 8E cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,849.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front of Deck 10 or Deck 9
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category 8E cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front of Deck 10 or Deck 9
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category 8E cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,749.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in either the front of Deck 10 or Deck 9
Midship. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of
$300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category 8E cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,849.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in Deck 9 Midship or the front of Deck 10.
This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per
person due today to reserve.
All category 8F cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the front of Deck 10, or the front or
midship of Deck 11. This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony.
Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category 8F cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,749.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the front of Deck 10, or the front or
midship of Deck 11 . This cabin has an ocean view and a balcony.
Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category 8F cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,849.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 6 or 7. This cabin has
an ocean view and an extended balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
All category 8M cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 6 or 7. This cabin has
an ocean view and an extended balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person
due today to reserve.
All category 8M cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $2,449.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 8. This cabin has an
ocean view and an extended balcony. Deposit of $300.00 due today to
All category 8N cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,849.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 8. This cabin has an
ocean view and an extended balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person due
today to reserve.
All category 8N cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 8. This cabin has an
ocean view and an extended balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person due
today to reserve.
All category 8N cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,849.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 8. This cabin has an
ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to
All category 9B cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,799.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 8. This cabin has an
ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to
All category 9B cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this cabin is $1,949.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 6, 7 or 8. This cabin
has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person due
today to reserve.
All category 9C cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Junior Suites
Junior suite with
standard-size balcony, two twin beds that convert to king and single
sofa bed (275 sq ft). Sofa, armchair and coffee table. Full bathroom
with the shower/whirlpool tub. 2 large closets. Walk in dressing area
with vanity table and chair. Private standard-size balcony with patio
chairs and table (80 sq ft). Junior Suites receive seating in the first five (5) rows for all reserved seated events in the Main Show Lounge.
Please pick from the following events or items:
Price for this cabin is $1,899.00 per guest.
occupancy cabin is located in the rear of Deck 6, 7, or 8. This cabin
has an ocean view and a balcony. Deposit of $300.00 per person due
today to reserve.
All category 9C cabins will receive the first thirteen (13) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this suite is $2,299.00 per guest.
occupancy suite is located in the front of Deck 11. This suite has an
ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category JS cabins will receive the first five (5) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Ocean View Balcony Suites
View Suite with private large balcony, twin beds that convert to a king,
separate sitting area (275 sq ft) and balcony (80 sq ft), entertainment
area and whirlpool bath. Ocean View Suites receive seating in the first five (5) rows for all reserved seated events in the Main Show Lounge.
Please pick from the following events or items:
Price for this suite is $2,499.00 per guest.
occupancy suite is located in the front or Midship of Deck 7. This
suite has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to
All category OS cabins will receive the first five (5) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this suite is $2,449.00 per guest.
occupancy suite is located in the front or Midship of Deck 7. This
suite has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to
All category OS cabins will receive the first five (5) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Price for this suite is $2,399.00 per guest.
occupancy suite is located in the front or Midship of Deck 7. This
suite has an ocean view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to
All category OS cabins will receive the first five (5) rows for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Grand Suites
Penthouse Suite with
largest balcony, twin beds that convert to a king, separate sitting area
(300 sq ft) and balcony (115 sq ft), entertainment area and whirlpool
bath dressing room with vanity, walk-in closet and refrigerator. Grand Suites receive seating in the first row for all reserved seated events in the Main Show Lounge.
Please pick from the following events or items:
Price for this suite is $2,999.00 per guest.
occupancy suite is located in Deck 7 Midship. This suite has an ocean
view. Deposit of $300.00 per person due today to reserve.
All category GS cabins will receive seats in the first row for all reserved seat events in the Main Show Lounge.
Someone asked:
"For ocean suites you can book two people and add a third into the room at some point if we want right?" The reply was "If capacity allows us, we may be able to add into a cabin. But if the cruise is sold out, we will not be able to add anyone."
If you are booking for handicapped rooms, book as normal then contact Rose Tours so you can be placed in a modified room You can call 215-663-880 or email Christi to ask for the disabled passenger forms and to send it back ASAP so they can deal with it right away. @JRKgirlinDONial (love that name) said she will answer any questions about this subject.
Plan your budget as best as you can. We are going in blind on the lack of pricing details again, but also be realistic about what the options are. The Grand Suites and the cheap rooms (699 for the last cruise) will be the first to go so decide on what you can really afford based on the other categories. Think of the cabin as the same way you have your hotel room when you're road tripping: you need it for a bed to crash in for a few hours, a shower to wash off the makeup after a long night, a place to change and to store your gear. If you don't really care for top seating, then don't go for broke. Which leads to...
Does your confirmation number REALLY matter?
There's a long standing theory that the faster you book, the lower the confirmation number will be (while there is no set standard, it seems they start at 1000 every year) and thus the better your seat will be for the indoor events. Most of the time, it does seem hold TRUE. The first year my confirmation number was pretty bad but that was because my roommates and I thought "it's going to take a few days to sell out." (Oops.) Since then I've noticed that my seating did seem to be influenced by my confirmation number and was unofficially confirmed by asking people what their numbers were. This is not to say that it will always be like this or that just because the number is low guarantees a great seat.
To wit, my seat in 2010 was upstairs, very last row and way to the left.
2012 was floor level, 11th row and again way to the left.
And in 2013...9th row center with the upgrade. Meh.
I had a lower confirmation number this year, but I think my vantage point in 2010 was much better. Part of the stage was obstructed when I was on the floor so I constantly had to lean to my right to try to see Jon during the game show and I zoomed in like crazy on my camera. (BTW, Earl being part of the game show meant it was open season for recording. I highly took advantage.)
Always keep in mind of a few extra fees that you will be hit with along the way:
-A 6.50 service fee per person in your cabin at the time of your booking. In 2011 it was 5.00. Could be more, could be less, but in any case, be aware of not buying that McDonalds Extra Value Meal. #cruisecontrol after all.
-299 for Taxes, port fees and gratuities.
-Payment structure. This year it is different that if you're going for the higher class cabins (which will probably be the ones with the better seating) your second payment is 700 instead of 500.
-Insurance. This year it is 129. It is optional to take it with them, but if you want it, everyone in your cabin has to take it. I'm going to find out if you have to buy it while booking or if it can be bought w/in 10 days of booking though you can always check w/ other brokers or your local insurance company if they have similar options.
-For Non USA people: The exchange rate. Let's face it, it's still a dicey economy, and the number you see in USD may not be the final bill you're paying if you're a non US resident. (In 2009 ended up paying $400 more than expected because of the fluctuating dollar.) I would say save an extra 15% to cover for any sudden spikes in the exchange rate and whatever exchange your credit card company uses. Use this site to figure out the daily rate.
Be careful if you double book. ALWAYS check your spam messages as the confirmation email may end up in there. It will take 2 cycles for the extra deposit to be refunded to you. However Rose Tours will work with the double booking so if it happens, call them immediately.
Advice from other buyers:
@easmith: Since you don't have to login til after you find your room, you can try for rooms on multiple computers without getting kicked out
@4kidsonmyblock: point out the "use multiple cards" button. It's easy to miss!
"You Don't Gotta Swim/Tan/Drink/(Bleep) Alone..." (ok there Jordan)
Going solo? No problem! There is a room mate match program available. Get to meet a possible new friend (or enemy how it shakes out lol) and more importantly, it's a a lot less expensive being in a double than in a single. @Vettechnikki writes: "there's a link on the side of the page that asks if you're looking for roommates and when you book it specifies which cabins are available for the match program, which are ocean view. it does not specify which deck you will be on though."
@imeechan greatly shared her experience on how the room mate match program worked for her:
"NKOTB 2012 has 2 types matching programs: 4CS & 6CS. 6CS was the cabin with balcony & it was more expensive than 4CS. Also, early & late dining question was not that reliable for sharing program coz I remember my cabin mate said she chose late dining but ended up being put into early dining & matched with me."
She also mentioned that Rose Tours does try to match roommates geographically and each person got the other's email address roughly 6 weeks prior so they can begin contacting each other.
If you really want to be alone in your cabin, it's being alleged that the rooms being offered will not be specified until after the sale starts. I'm looking to track down where I saw that.
The great debate: Early Vs late! Early vs late is really for the formal dining halls on the boat IF YOU CHOOSE to eat in there as there are many places to eat on board. While you do have a number on your card indicating what table you're supposed to be sitting at, that is just a formality since the staff will seat you anywhere and you may end up sharing table with others. Early dining (group A) is at 6 pm, late dining (group B) is at 8:15. Some events like the game show and any individual events (like the Backrub, Jordan's Live and Unfinished set, etc) will be set for different days and times for both groups. For the photo ops, group A goes first, then a "short" break then it's group B.
While there is no difference in groups other than what time you eat, the results in terms of the events can vary. Late diners get the game show first but it seems that every year, early diners seem to have the more "fast and loose" game show since the guys have food in their bellies and the chance to down a few cocktails. It was reported that Joey's set for Group A 2012 was a bit longer due to the rain and ended up cutting material for Group B. I normally stick to the late dining but may change to early dining this time.
(UPDATE: After doing the early dining thing, I didn't love it. If I do go back, I'm sticking with late.)
AHHH SALE TIME! (Dry heaving.)
Your booking starts here.
Now roughly HALF of the rooms go on sale during the pre sales, the other half opens up to the general public. For the pre sale, you will be asked to enter the proper password for the sale you are going for (the BN password will work after 1 PM if you are not a past cruiser.) If you are booking during the past cruisers sale, it is essentially whatever is left after the BN sale started. Some categories will be sold out. You'll have to decide if you want to change categories, split up if you're 4 or try your luck for the general sale tomorrow. If you buy a cabin class higher than expected, YOU CANNOT DOWNGRADE.
In the event that you don't get on at all and it does sell out, DO NOT PANIC. There are still several ways to get on.
1) Get on the waitlist asap. A lot of fans have seen that work to their benefit. About 80% of the list was cleared out last year. They will normally give you a few days to decide once you get called so always have the money in hand when the time comes.
2) Join Facebook groups and check Twitter often. With the buyer's remorse that eventually kick in, people will probably start selling their spots after the 2nd payment is due on November 29th (great birthday present to Jon huh? Giving him more money! I keed!) In 2011 when the NKOTBSB tour was announced many fans opted to do more shows instead of the cruise so there was a greater turnover rate. If the tour is a go in 2013, I expect to see more of the same.
3) Wait it out. The close the time comes to the cruise, the more desperate some can become and may drop the price. I had one friend get on board 2 weeks before the cruise at half price. She didn't care about her seat, she was just happy she was on! Name change will cost 100 dollars per person. It's up to the seller if they want the buyer to absorb the cost though most buyers/sellers tend to split it.
One thing of note: if you do end up selling your spot, you need to ensure that at least 1 person in the original cabin booking will still be on board no matter what. I know a couple that were supposed to go last year but both had medical conditions and neither could no attend. They were not allowed to sell off both spots and it was considered a cancellation.
If you ARE NOT booking the pre sale, please do us a favour and don't log on to poke around. It's stressful as it is and as great as Comcasttix is, why slow down the traffic for those who know what they want and want to pay? Prices will get posted once the first round goes through. I will attempt to get screen shots later on if there is the possibility for it.
Is there a way to win your spot on board? Of course it would be nice to get on the boat for free but how often does it happen? Not often. In 2009 Jordan did offer a spot away to someone that went to an Army vet and his wife (some of you may remember this) and every year since then he has given away a spot via the Dancing for Hope charity raffle to benefit St. Mary's Center for Women & Children in Boston. Donnie has given away 2 spots at one of his past parties with the stipulation that you were not already on board.
As this is a chartered boat, not all of Carnival rules will apply. Normally the Victory does offer a $50/day card on wine, beer and spirits. Rose Tours has already said that it not happening.
UPDATE OCTOBER 4, 2013, new addition: Photo groups (aka: WAAAHHH I NEED TO STAND NEXT TO DONNIE, FORGET DANNY!!!)
1) seriously, there is NOTHING WRONG with standing with Danny. None. He hugs good. He smells great. And probably the only one alert doing this.
2) this is a photo op. This is NOT a meet a greet that you do for a 5*. You will literally walk in single file, hug them, take the photo, out within 30 seconds. You will not have ANY time to say anything other than "Hi, how are you" and that's being generous.
3) how it works: in the past early diners went first, then late dining, so all the photo ops were done in one day. With the news that they are 2 full days at sea, I expect that to be FINALLY broken up. (Dealing with cranky boybanders who have been standing for 6 hours straight doing this is no picnic. )
You NEED to have groups of 10, no exceptions. If you go in line with groups less than that, you will either be taken out of the line until you find people or your groups will get broken up. If you are a group of 10 and you see this happening right in front of you, you can insist on getting that group removed until they are full (my group did just that for 2013.) Security and Rose Tours personnel will let you know what order the group is standing in. Other than your sail and sign room card, that is all you're allowed to bring with you. (Though I did sneak Donnie a Red Bull in my pocket. Heh.) Those who didn't have a group were sent to hang at the club located on the same floor as the photo op until they got adopted for the sake of moving things along.
For the newbies: look, I get it. you want to be next to your boybander of choice so you can finally get the picture you always dreamed of. But time to be a realist: If your fave is Donnie, you're kinda SOL. Prepare to be flexible on the issue.
Do note the current wording in the email for 2014:
Considering the past phrase only said "Photo op with NKOTB" the Meet and Greet is a new wrinkle. May be the same old, same old, but I know people have complained the only time they get to be within several feet of a member is during said photo op so hopefully the Meet and Greet part holds true.
Do I really need this passport?
If you're not from the USA, a passport is the one thing you definitely need since you need to fly to Miami anyway. You will be asked for it if you decide to disembark in Bermuda as well. You may need a visa that allows for multiple entries depending on the country.
If you are a US citizen, the short answer is: you do NOT need a passport as this is a closed loop cruise, as in it starts and ends at the same port so you can have a birth certificate and your government photo ID. But it never hurts to have a passport anyway in case of emergency where you need to fly from Bermuda back to the US.
Other odds and ends and useful advice.
There are designated smoking areas on the lido deck. You're not supposed to smoke in your room (those who have balconies ignore that) or anywhere else.
Do you know what you're getting into? I have roughly 30 hours of video and of what you're signing up for. It will get wild. It will get crazy. You may not want to listen to the Block for a while after this is over (that was me in 2010.) And do temper your expectations to go have fun with your friends and see your fave manbanders cut loose, enjoy the Goose and then dance around in a kilt. And then you may ask yourself "Oh God I could have spent this on other things!" (I had decided to buy a new bedroom set in 2008. That still has yet to happen.) And then you'll realize that you're lucky that literally come hell or high water, you were on that damn boat you had a blast and you're itching for more.
It's the 5 year anniversary people. It's go time. Good luck, god speed and hopefully see you on the li(bi)do deck!